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Judging Criteria

Figure is a class of physique competition judged equally on symmetry, tone, and beauty/stage presence. Athletes wear two-piece figure suit; thongs or t-back bottoms are not allowed. The suit may be embellished with rhinestones, sparkles, or sequins for added effect. High heeled shoes are required. Jewelry and body piercing is allowed but must not be offensive or obscure the physique.

Athletes Are Judged In Two Rounds:

1. Symmetry takes into account balance and proportion; figures should be symmetrically balanced with no one body part overpowering the rest of the figure.

2. Tone focuses on good muscle tone; leanness and muscle development is expected, however competitors must not be over conditioned as in the Bodybuilding or Fit Body divisions.

Stage Walk & Presentation may be used to break a tie.

Competition Attire

Two piece Figure or posing suit that crosses over and attaches in the back.

The two-piece suit must be in good taste — thongs or T-back bottoms are not allowed.

The suit may be adorned with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, etc for added effect.

Jewelry is permitted; body jewelry (piercing) is allowed, so long as it is not offensive.

Jewelry such as earrings, necklace, bracelets may be worn, but should not obscure the physique of be in poor taste.

The Head Judge has the right to deduct 1 point if the above requirements are not followed.


5” heels required

Platforms no higher than 1″ (widest part)

Straps or strapless allowed

Download the WNBF/INBF FIGURE Division Judging Criteria


Front Pose

Side Pose



Figure Walk Pattern

The Athletes T-Walk Will Be Performed After The Mandatory Poses Are Complete, The Class Will Be Lined Up At The Back Of The Stage, Where One At A Time Each Athlete Will Walk Up And Do Their T-Walk And Then Return To The End Of The Line.

At some shows a Box Walk will be used instead which omits #2 Center Stage stop. Competitors will go from #1 starting position straight to #3 Stage Right.

You will execute the mandatory poses at four locations:

1st Location: Rear Center stage –(front pose)

2nd Location: Front Right side of stage –(side pose facingcenter stage)

3rd Location: Front Center stage –(front & rear pose)

4th Location: Front Left Side of stage –(side pose facingcenterstage)