The New You is a transformation class to inspire others to make a change using fitness & lifestyle changes.
Our goal is to provide an opportunity for those who have gone through inspirational journeys, in transforming their bodies and lives but are not necessarily comfortable to step on stage in a posing suit but by showcasing it on stage in athletic wear.
This is a class for those who have lost tremendous amounts of weight, have made healthy habits a priority, reversed obesity related diseased, come off prescription drugs etc. and are genuinely proud of this.
Competitors Are Judged In 2 Rounds: Overall body change – there will be a before photo to be displayed on presentation screenTransformation story – to be submitted prior to the event, will be summarized by the emcee, while athletes are on stage

Sportswear – shorts & T-shirt or Tank
Stage Walk Pattern
The Athletes Will Perform A Box-Walk, The Class Will Be Lined Up At The Back Of The Stage, Where One At A Time Each Athlete Will Walk Up And Do Their Box-Walk And Then Return To The End Of The Line.

You will execute poses at four locations:
1st Location: Front Right side of stage (side pose facing center stage)
2nd Location: Front Center stage (front pose & turn around)
3rd Location: Front Left Side of stage (side pose facing center stage)